Tuesday 10 July 2012

I have recently been on a trip to London to The British Museum to see an exhibition
called  Treasures of Heaven saints, relics and devotion in medieval Europe. This was
a wonderful exhibition that contained painting’s, drawing’s,Jewellery pieces, marble,
 gold and glass pieces or art and  history. I found this Exhibition very interesting as
many of the piece’s in the collection had intricate details and very small drawings.
This week I went on a trip to Edinburgh to see St Giles Cathedral. Whilst in Edinburgh I
took a wide selection of photographs . I enjoyed learning about the history of the city
and looking at the variety of stained glass windows. Statues and  benches in the cathedral, The attention to detail  was amazing especially in the windows which  were all stained glass. The photograph on the left hand side is of a statue which is in the centre of a park I found this  interesting as it has a gothic feel towards it. I also found the way that the stone has aged interesting  as it has done this on the Cathedral walls,
This week I have been on a trip to York. Whilst in York I have explored the Cathedrals and
churches  I find the architecture fascinating as each Church has its own unique style.
Below are a few photographs which I took.Whilst in York I also visited the York Art Gallery and I looked around the exhibitions that they had in one of the rooms  I looked around have a lot of religious painting’s  from the 14th- 19th century most of these are from Italy. Whilst walking round I noticed that other religions had less imagery and art work in museums.

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